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Regenerating our local ecosystems in Māngere/Ōtāhuhu

The team from ME Family Services will provide an overview of what MEFS does and where the Taiao Team fits in. They will look at how you can take action to regenerate local ecosystems through for the wellbeing of te taiao and ngā tangata through the presentation of three of their work streams – waste minimisation, pest plant and animal control, and Awa restoration – that will include calls to action from participants.

ME Family Services Purpose

To inspire children, youth and families to thrive
To encourage a resilient and a regenerative community
To make a difference for Te Taiao and the places we work and live in

ME Family Services Mission

Activating potential to create positive change

ME Family Services Services

ME Family Services offers an extensive range of free and professional services to support local families and the wider community. Most of their funding is provided by the Government to strengthen communities, families and help the people of Māngere and Ōtāhuhu live fulfilling lives. Their staff are passionate, qualified and talented individuals who know this community well and are part of its networks.

They encourage self-determination and have a commitment to continuous self-development and regenerative growth throughout all of their services. They are committed to working in partnership with families, local schools, community groups and local businesses.

Collen Smith, Taiao Team Manager

Ko Takaka te whenua tupu
No Golden Bay ahau
Kei Tāmaki Makaurau ahau e noho ana
Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tāngata
If the land is well, we are well
Colleen’s mahi is grounded in social and environmental justice. Colleen leads the Taiao Team in collaboration with mana whenua and community organisations to reconnect with, and take positive action for te taiao in South Auckland.
She believes that the wellbeing of our natural environment reflects the wellbeing of our community and vice versa. Colleen’s motivation to do this mahi is for the benefit of our grandchildren’s children.

Nelly Hikaiti, Pest Free Lead

Destiny Harris, Waste Minimisation Lead

Vijay Rajan, Harania Awa Lead